With OnlineConvert.Cloud, you can convert your Microsoft Word Open XML documents (.DOCX) to Macro-Enabled documents (.DOCM) effortlessly. This converter retains all the functionalities of your DOCX files while allowing you to incorporate macros written in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language. Enhance automation and efficiency in your documents while maintaining compatibility with older versions of Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Word Open XML Document (.docx)
The .DOCX file extension is associated with Microsoft Word and is the default format for Word documents created in versions 2007 and later. It is based on XML (Extensible Markup Language) and contains text, formatting, images, and other elements. DOCX files are widely used for creating various types of documents, including reports, letters, resumes, and more. OnlineConvert.Cloud's DOCX converter allows you to convert DOCX files to other formats or vice versa, enabling seamless compatibility and accessibility across different platforms and applications.
Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document (.docm)
The .DOCM file extension is similar to DOCX files but allows for the inclusion of macros written in the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language. Macros are automated sequences of commands or actions that can perform tasks such as formatting, data manipulation, and more. OnlineConvert.Cloud's DOCM converter allows you to convert DOCM files to other formats while preserving macro functionality, ensuring compatibility and usability across different platforms and applications.

Why Choose OnlineConvert.Cloud?


With OnlineConvert.Cloud, file conversion is made easy. Say goodbye to cumbersome software installations and hello to seamless online conversion.


Whether you're a student, professional, or hobbyist, OnlineConvert.Cloud caters to all your file conversion needs, offering a versatile solution for individuals and businesses alike.


Trusted by millions of users worldwide, OnlineConvert.Cloud delivers consistent, high-quality conversions, ensuring you can rely on our platform for all your conversion requirements.